Liliana Bounegru is Lecturer in Digital Methods at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. Previously she was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford). Since 2013 she has been a researcher at the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam), where she also acted as Managing Director between 2014 and 2016. She is also a research associate at the Sciences Po Paris médialab, where she was a visiting researcher and lecturer in 2016. She obtained her double PhD degree (cum laude) from the University of Groningen and Ghent University. Prior to that she studied at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Bucharest. She co-founded the Public Data Lab, a network of research labs which seeks to facilitate research, democratic engagement and public debate around the future of the data society. In parallel to her academic work, she was Data Journalism Program Lead at the European Journalism Centre.
Her research interests include digital media, digital culture, digital journalism, inventive methods for new media research, digital methods, infrastructure studies, platform studies, issue mapping and controversy mapping. Her work has been published in New Media & Society, Big Data & Society, Visual Communication and Digital Journalism. She is editor of The Data Journalism Handbook (O’Reilly Media, 2012; University of Amsterdam Press, 2019) translated into 12 languages, and co-investigator of A Field Guide to Fake News and Other Information Disorders, a transnational, multi-institutional research collaboration to develop digital methods to trace the circulation of political misinformation, junk news, memes and trolling practices online (also available in Chinese and Japanese).
She has taught data journalism, controversy mapping and digital methods at the the University of Siegen, University of Amsterdam, Sciences Po and the Paris School of International Affairs, as well as working as a researcher on the European project EMAPS (Electronic Maps to Assist Public Science), led by sociologist of science and anthropologist Bruno Latour. She has been a new media, digital methods and digital journalism researcher and a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford, affiliated with the Oxford Internet Institute, a leading center dedicated to the social scientific study of the Internet, and the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, a globally focused research center tracking media and journalism industry developments. In this role she contributed to Misinformation, Science and Media, a programme of the Oxford Martin School, a research and policy unit at the University of Oxford, investigating the impact of misinformation campaigns online on the public understanding of techno-scientific issues.
She also has a professional background in media and journalism. Previously she led the data journalism unit at the European Journalism Centre, where she designed and coordinated massive open online courses (MOOCs), online publications, conferences and trainings. She has contributed to the Harvard Business Review, BuzzFeed News, PBS MediaShift, and Nieman Lab, and her work has been featured in a number of publications, including the The New York Times, The Guardian, The Asahi Shimbun, Columbia Journalism Review and Global Voices.
You can contact Liliana via email (contact[at] or on Twitter.